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PRONG Get Equipment Stolen in Dallas

June 4, 2004

PRONG had several pieces of equipment, including all six of their guitars, stolen on May 27th in Dallas, Texas. The band is seeking the public’s help in recovering the stolen items.

Here is more from PRONG mainman Tommy Victor:

“On the morning of May 27 we arrived at a Holiday Inn in downtown Dallas, Texas for our gig that night at Trees in Deep Ellum. The parking situation was weird for our van and trailer, but we were instructed by the security guard at the hotel to check out the lot across the street. We were advised that it was safe. Our road manager, checked it out, talked to a lot attendant who showed him a spot that was supposedly under surveillance.

“When we woke after a few hours of sleep, after driving all night, we found the trailer broken into. All 6 of our guitars, a white Gibson SG with a 666 sticker on it, 3 black Schecter C-1 Ex baritone guitars, 2 Schecter S-1’s (a black and a red) 2 Warwick basses (a natural finish and a black one), a kick drum with a Scorpio Rising cover art front skin, in case, a floor tom, a rack including an Alesis Adat machine with 4 Whirlwind direct boxes, 250 assorted RPONG t-shirts, and a box of 200 Scorpio Rising CDs, were stolen.”

If you have any information or have seen these guitars and gear, please contact Nancy B. Sayle @ 818.848.6093 or