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PASSENGER Commence Recording Of Sophomore Album

February 19, 2004

Swedish metallers, PASSENGER, have commenced recording their sophomore album. Drummer, Patrik J. Sten, posted the following studio report on their official website:

“We started recording drum tracks for 12 new PASSENGER songs Monday the 9th of February, got done Wednesday the 11th at noon. We moved on to the rhythm guitars in the afternoon and finished them up on Thursday the 12th. The recording has been very fast so far and the sound is amazing. The recording of the tracks has been done at Studio Fredman where I work and we probably gonna do some tracking at Phlat Planet where Anders [Friden] works since both studios are at the same location. We have not yet decided where or with who we are going to mix it but we feel that we have to try something new for this one. The songs feels heavy and more direct but still with the typical PASSENGER vibe. We are very confident in the material and can’t wait to go out there and deliver it live.”