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SATYRICON Complete New Album Now, Diabolical

February 10, 2006

SATYRICON have recently completed their new album entitled Now, Diabolical. It’s set for an April 24th release date in Europe. A U.S. date has yet to be scheduled. Here’s more directly from the band’s website:

“We wanted to update you from the studio, but there was no time and now we have finished the album, which is for sure the most important thing to all of us. The new album is scheduled for release Monday the 24th of April all over Europe via SonyBMG in Norway and Roadrunner Records International in the rest of Europe. No American date is set yet, but it should not be too long after. The album Now, Diabolical contains the following songs: “Now, Diabolical” ??" “K.I.N.G” ??" “The Pentagram Burns” ??" “A New Enemy” ??" “The Rite Of Our Cross” ??" “That Darkness Shall Be Eternal” ??" “Delirium” ??" “To The Mountains.” The vinyl version of the album will have a bonus track called “Storm (of the Destroyer).” Live dates are being set every day, mostly in Norway for the time being, but we obviously aim to hit the summer festivals in Europe hard. The first confirmed show is Oslo, Rockefeller 13th of May. But there will be many shows before that. We hope to reveal the album cover and have some music ready for you on this site next week already.”